“Only valuable things are remembered and transferred through generations. Steadiness of tales proves, that tale contains something important and necessary, therefore unforgettable”. E. N. Trubetskoy
Meanings implied in basic scenarios of tales exist in our life and human’s mind go through these scenarios in binding order. They contain priceless information about development of human personality and man’s and woman’s forming process. These scenarios are divided to “how-to”, “how-to-not” and description of what should be done in case something “wrong” has happened, so-called protoscenarios or mythologems, which are better to be known.
Mythodrama is a wonderful synthesis of psychology, mythology and spontaneous theater, where actors do not play roles, but live through meanings implied in tales.
Our subconscious speaks symbols language. Symbols are not that is directly written in book, but essence of it, invisible but perceptible and, in order to that, available for living it through by body and by soul. Once experienced, it will remain in personal luggage of human, giving him skills for “right” answer in similar situation in real life.
In fact, mythodrama is a perceptible ritual of initiation (becoming a Woman, a Man, mature human) - a process, which is in lack in nowadays community. Sources of modern mythodrama lays in ancient mysteries, which gave human most valuable thing: state of inspiration and enthusiasm.
Initiation to mature femininity in Russian folklore consists of three steps: contact of woman with her active beginning (animus) – “Finist, the bright Falcon” tale; second – realization of general woman’s developing process (“Vasilisa the Beatiful” tale); third – manifestation of mother’s mind in woman (“Little Beaty” tale).

Перевод Даниила Белокурова